The Casa del Gavilan is located at 570 NM-21. This is six miles south (east) of Cimarron on Highway 21.
If you are using GoogleMaps or I-Maps just enter "Casa del Gavilan". Confirm the location indicated is six miles south of Cimarron as some mapping programs locate the Casa near Angel Fire, New Mexico - thirty miles to the west.
DO NOT USE THE CASA'S STREET ADDRESS listed above on GoogleMaps or I-Maps as these programs don't understand rural New Mexico addresses and may take you to the wrong location. Instead, enter "Casa del Gavilan Historic inn" rather than the street address.
The WAZE app may direct users onto Philmont Scout Ranch's private road in Urraca Canyon a half mile north of the proper entrance. The proper entrance to the Casa del Gavilan is on Highway 21 just south of the S-curve, directly east of the Casa.
Important information for other navigation apps:
Due to rural address in New Mexico many apps such as MapQuest, and some car navigation systems, will direct you to the wrong location in Cimarron or Springer. To reach the Casa del Gavilan navigate to Cimarron, New Mexico then proceed 6 miles south/east on Highway 21 (on the west side of Cimarron). Or enter one of the following GPS coordinates into your navigation system:
Decimal Degrees 36.43875 deg North 104.95733 deg West
Degrees/Decimal Minutes 36 deg 26.3' North 104 deg 57.4' West
Degrees/Minutes/Seconds 36 deg 26'20" North 104 deg 57'27" West
These coordinates will take you to the entrance drive of the Casa on Highway 21. Press the button on the Ring to the left of the gate.
From Santa Fe or Albuquerque follow Interstate 25 north four miles past the town of Springer to Hwy 58 at Exit 419. At the end of the exit ramp, turn left (west) onto Highway 58 toward Cimarron. Proceed 33 miles west on Highway 58 to the town of Cimarron. At the stop sign in Cimarron turn left onto Highway 64. CAUTION! SPEED LIMITS IN CIMARRON ARE STRICTLY ENFORCED! Follow Highway 64 about 1/2 mile to the west side of Cimarron and turn left (South/East) on Highway 21. Follow Highway 21 SIX MILES to the Casa entrance, which is a white gate on the right side of the road just past the "Pass with Care" sign at the top of the hill. If you get to mile marker 6 or above you've gone too far.
An alternate scenic route is to exit I-25 at the first (south) Springer exit. Turn right at the end of the exit ramp. In the center of the town of Springer, turn left onto Highway 21 toward Cimarron. Proceed about 25 miles. Just past mile marker 6 you'll see the white gate to the Casa on the left (west - mountain side) of Highway 21.
If you have an extra hour or so and want the scenic mountain route to Casa del Gavilan, follow Highway 285 north out of Santa Fe toward Espanola. Turn onto Highway 68 to Taos. In Taos turn right onto Highway 64 toward Cimarron. Take Highway 64 through Eagle Nest into Cimarron. As you come into the west side of Cimarron, turn right (South/East) onto Highway 21. CAUTION! SPEED LIMITS IN CIMARRON ARE STRICTLY ENFORCED! Follow Highway 21 for six miles to the Casa entrance, which is on the right side of the road just past the "Pass with Care" sign at the top of the hill. If you get to mile marker 6 or above you've gone too far.
From Fort Worth or Dallas, follow Highway 287 northwest out of Fort Worth to Amarillo. In Amarillo, take Highway 87 northwest to Clayton, New Mexico. From Clayton take Highway 56 toward Springer. There are no services on the 90-mile stretch between Clayton and Springer, so check your gas before departing Clayton.
At the stop sign in the town of Springer, make a right turn and proceed north on Railroad Ave - the main street of Springer. Two miles north on Railroad Ave make a left turn, then a right turn onto Interstate 25 heading north. Follow Interstate 25 four miles north to Hwy 58 at Exit 419. At the end of the exit ramp, turn left (west) onto Highway 58 toward Cimarron. Proceed 33 miles west on Highway 58 to the town of Cimarron. At the stop sign in Cimarron turn left onto Highway 64. CAUTION! SPEED LIMITS IN CIMARRON ARE STRICTLY ENFORCED! Follow Highway 64 about 1/2 mile to the west side of Cimarron and turn left (South/East) on Highway 21. Follow Highway 21 SIX MILES to the Casa entrance, which is a white gate on the right side of the road just past the "Pass with Care" sign at the top of the hill. If you get to mile marker 6 or above you've gone too far.
An alternate scenic route is to follow Highway 21 straight through Springer toward Cimarron. Proceed about 25 miles. Just past mile marker 6 you'll see the white gate to the Casa on the left (west - mountain side) of Highway 21.
Whichever route brings you to Casa del Gavilan, relax and enjoy the scenery, but be careful of livestock and wildlife on the road.
From Denver and Colorado Springs, follow Interstate 25 south of Raton 5 miles to the exit for Highway 64. Turn onto Highway 64 west to Cimarron. CAUTION! SPEED LIMITS IN CIMARRON ARE STRICTLY ENFORCED! Proceed through Cimarron to the west side of town. Turn left (South/East) on Highway 21. Follow Highway 21 six miles to the Casa entrance, which is on the right side of the road just past the "Pass with Care" sign at the top of the hill. If you get to mile marker 6 or above you've gone too far.
From Taos take Highway 64 east toward Eagle Nest Cimarron. As you come into the west side of Cimarron, turn right (South/East) onto Highway 21. CAUTION! SPEED LIMITS IN CIMARRON ARE STRICTLY ENFORCED! Follow Highway 21 for six miles to the Casa entrance, which is on the right side of the road just past the "Pass with Care" sign at the top of the hill. If you get to mile marker 6 or above you've gone too far.
When you turn off Highway 21 onto our drive, you'll find a white gate and a Ring callbox on a post to the left. Press the Round Ring button. Our innkeeper will answer and open the gate.
When you arrive at the house, take the driveway to the right and drive under the portico to check in. Our innkeeper will be there to greet you and show you around the Casa.
The 2025 season at the Casa del Gavilan Historic Inn will be shortened a bit to run from April 11 through November 2. Reservations are now open and can be made online here. We look forward to hosting your visit!